Create exports

The process API now support the exporting of emission results for a give process. This operation allows you to export your data. The exports can be generated on three levels: consignments, shipments, and individual emission results.

BigMile Processing API


Exporting data is a paid feature that will incur extra costs on top of your license fee. Contact your BigMile representative for more information

After an uploaded fileset is completed, can roughly expect to implement these steps.

Create data export

This operation starts a job for preparing an export file of a given processId. The exports can be generated on three dimensions: consignments, shipments, and individual emission results. The export is a long running operation, once started, you should poll the Data export status endpoint and wait for it to complete.


Besides offering default export types, we offer the option to send a list of dimension and measures along with your Create data export request.

Check status data export

This operation allows you to check the status of your data export. Once the data export is completed you can download the results using the Data export download endpoint.

Download data export

This operation allows you to download a specific data export based on the processId. The data is generated in .csv format

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